OER® reproduction of the lower clutch push rod. Includes right angle shell portion correctly swaged and internally threaded to match the lower clutch push rod adjuster for small block models. Applications: 1967-81 Camaro smal l block…
Plated and heat treated exact reproduction rod and swivel. Used with big block F-Body, All A-Body applications. GM Part #: Rod 9779202, Swivel 3840845…
Reproduction Of Original Reproduction of the lower clutch push rod for 1968-73 Chevy Nova models. Includes right angle shell portion correctly swaged and internally threaded to match the lower clutch push rod adjuster for small block…
Reproduction of Original Reproduction of the original upper push rod boot for 1968-74 Chevy Nova models features using correct E.D.P.M. stock superior to original. Molded in steel insert distributes mounting screw pressure.
OER® reproduction lower clutch push rod adjustor for various GM models. This push rod is manufactured to original specifications and includes the swivel. Chevrolet Passenger Car Applications: 1967-69 Camaro with 396i> 1976-77 Camaro…
Reproduction of the original lower push rod assembly designed for use on 1962-67 Chevy II and Nova models. Includes right angle shell portion correctly swaged and internally threaded to match pointed end stud shaft. For use with all…
OER® reproduction of the original upper clutch push rod which connects the clutch pedal to the bellcrank. Cadmium plated. One required per car. Applications: 1967-69 Camaro small or big block 1967-68 Firebird V8 1968-72 Chevy II / Nova…
Reproduction of the original push rod assembly designed for use on 1962-67 Chevy II and Nova small block models. The upper push rod connects the clutch pedal to the bellcrank. Manufactured to OE specifications and cadmium plated for…